Everyone in EPC is part of the team in making, maturing and multiplying disciples of Jesus. We are led by a leadership team made up of men and women who love, care and pray for every single person in the church. If you have any questions for any of our staff, feel free to reach out and email them or call our church office to speak with them.


Our ministers and lay elders work together to shepherd, lead and oversee the spiritual life of the church. We come with different gifts and from different backgrounds, but we serve together as a leadership team under our chief Shepherd, Jesus Christ.

The members of session are: Graeme, Richard, Geoff, Joan, Rex, Wendy, Ian, Darwin,  Jenny, Andrew, and Peter


  • Darwin Agahari

    Minister - Team leader

    Darwin is our minister since the start of 2023. He serves the church as the main preacher and by leading the elders and staff team. He is married to Deb and they have two children. He completed his studies at Moore College and Christ College. Most importantly, Darwin is a child of God, saved by God’s undeserving gift in Jesus Christ.


  • MIchael Nhieu

    Minister - Mission and Belonging

    Michael has been our assistant minister since the start of 2024. He serves the church by leading mission and building community across all the ministries and services of Epping Presbyterian Church. He is married to Amy, and they have two children. He has previously served as a church planter in Rozelle and completed his studies at Moore College and Christ College.


  • Luke Anderson

    Ministry Intern

    Luke has been at Epping Presbyterian Church the beginning of 2023. He is married to Holly and they have two young children. He is currently studying at bible college and at church has the joy of leading the youth group to grow in their love of God and joy in serving Christ.



    Ministry Apprentice

    Josiah has been at Epping Presbyterian Church since the beginning of 2025. He is currently undertaking a ministry apprenticeship here at EPC and is serving in kids ministry where children are discipled in community to live for Jesus.


  • Ed Tsai

    Church Office

    Ed is the administrator of the church office and works Monday to Friday. Ed is married to Emily and they have two children and are part of the 5:30pm community.

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