ministry teams
Mobilizing the church to pray
Provide audio and visual support during corporate worship
Rostered on Sundays for church and rehearsals.
Leading the church to know and love God through song
Rostered on Sundays for church and rehearsals.
Team leader: Andrew McAlpine
Corporate worship
Leading congregation in corporate worship: service leading, bible reading or pastoral prayer
Rostered on Sundays.
growth group leading
Facilitating a small community that matures together in Jesus
Leading weekly groups during term. Invited leadership role
Team Leader: Darwin Agahari
1 on 1 discipleship
Monthly (or weekly). Invited leadership role.
Team Leader: Darwin Agahari
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Extending the love and welcome of Jesus everyone who comes to our church.
Rostered on Sundays
Team Leader: Michael Nhieu
Providing spaces for fellowship and one another encouragement
Rostered on Sundays
Team Leader: Michael Nhieu
pastoral care
Providing pastoral and practical for members of the church
(newly formed)
Monthly and as needed
Team Leader: Wendy Parrett
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evangelism team
Encouraging, equipping and leading the church towards local evangelism
As required
Team Leader: Michael Nhieu
mission support team
Encouraging, equipping and leading the church towards supporting global mission
As required
Team Leader: Jan Bayliss
SRE team
Teaching Special Religious Education at local schools
Weekly during term
Website, social media
As required
Next Generation
Epic kids team
Partnering with parents to disciple children
Weekly on Sundays during term
Team Leader: Darwin Agahari
youth team
Partnering with parents to disciple youth
Weekly on Fridays during term
Team Leader: Luke Anderson
brigades team
Boys and Girls Brigades team
Weekly on Mondays or Thursdays during term
Team Leader: Anne Barnes
Engaging primary aged kids from our wider community with the gospel
A few days in the July school holidays
elders and deacons
Providing overall spiritual and organisational leadership of the church
Elected leadership role
committee of management
Managing the temporal matters of the church
Elected Leadership role
Practical maintenance of church property
As required
offering counters
Counting cash offerings and banking
Rostered on Sunday mornings
Team Leader: Bill Baker
serve team
Mobilizing and equipping the church in service
Provide admin support for the church
As required
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Section Title
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